You simply enter the Creditor Name, Annual Percentage Rate, Current Balance, and Monthly Payment for each of your credit cards and loans. Our debt reduction software does the rest for you.
With the push of a button you instantly create your very own personalized, debt repayment plan. Your plan shows you exactly how much to pay each creditor every single month. No more guessing who you should pay first. No more trying to figuring out the best way to use your hard-earned money to pay off your debt. Our debt reduction software does all of that for you.
Our Zilch Standard software takes all of the details about your debts such as:
- interest rates
- currents payments
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- etc...

Our debt deduction software analyzes your debts, determines the most efficient way to pay them off, and produces a personalized debt repayment plan that saves you a ton of money. By following your personalized debt repayment plan you will save thousands of dollars in interest penalties.
This is real, hard-earned money. This is your money. This is money you are currently giving away to creditors for no reason.
Because you instantly see your actual debt-free date, there's a wonderful feeling of hope that comes over you. Hope that immediately turns into belief. A belief that's strong. Why is that belief so strong, because there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can see it. You believe it. You know you will get out of debt soon. Now that's exciting.
- You have a plan to get out of debt on a specified date
- You know how much to pay every single creditor each month
- You will make it happen
Your personal and financial information are never shared with anyone! That's right. You purchase our debt reduction software and download it to your computer. What you do with our software from that point on is entirely up to you.
- No communication goes back and forth across the internet
- No one will ask you for information
- No one sees your financial data unless you give it to them
Finally, you can take advantage of trade secrets used by many expert financial counselors in the privacy and comfort of your own home.
❝I wish I had known about this program before paying $45 a month❞
I have a goal, which is to retire soon and spend time with my 2 awesome grandsons, ages 6 and 8. You are going to help make that happen because I'm going to use ZilchWorks to pay off my mortgage as fast as I can.
Marlena B. - Canton, Texas
I originally learned about your software from a friend who uses it. She swears by it! In the past I have used a debt management company to pay off $32,000 of credit card debt, and am paying my last $1,000 on those cards. It has taken 8 long years. I wish I had known about this program before paying that company $45 a month to do what I could have done myself in a shorter length of time.
Thank you for creating this awesome software. God bless you.